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Being prepared to start the day...

On August 27, 2015 in General by spope

In my position at MacFarlanes, some of my duties include loading and crating birds for deliveries.  In order to complete these duties on time, the crew and I must be prepared to start the day. The first thing we do is drive the birds into the lanes (staging area before catching) the afternoon before the shipment.  Once the birds are in the lanes we provide them with food and water. Another task that I must do for all deliveries is creating the crate numbers.  This involves taking the number of birds and dividing the birds to result in how many crates we will need for the shipment. Once I know the crates numbers are correct, the crew and I make sure the number of crates we need according to the crates numbers are put into the catch pens.  If the crates need to be bedded and tarped, this is also done the afternoon before.

Besides making sure the birds are taken care of ahead of time, I also make sure the truck is ready. In order for the truck to be ready, it must be fully fueled, equipped with straps and buckles, and lastly, the bungee cords and tarps should accompany the truck in case the drivers hit inclement weather. Being prepared to start the day makes it easier to avoid problems such as running behind schedule which in turn leads to more problems if the crew is rushed and disorganized. All in all, being ahead of the game at the start of the day helps the crew have a smoother day. Sometimes this takes a few extra minutes at the end of the day, but we have found that it's time well spent.

Bird Care Check List

By Rich Thomas

Assistant Production Manager

Being prepared to start the day...

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