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Sarah Baker has spent the last ten years working at MacFarlane Pheasants. She started out raising Hungarian and French Red-Legged Partridges and later moved to the Dressed Pheasant Department. Before Sarah’s recent promotion, her title was Mature Sales Coordinator. Sarah will continue to be the Mature Sales Coordinator, but since her promotion to Head Sales Manager, she will now oversee account managers handling day-old chicks and eggs, pet food, and dressed pheasants. MacFarlane Pheasants is delighted to announce this and wishes Sarah all the best as she expands her role. Sarah Pope, Vice President of Operations at MacFarlane Pheasants, shared Sarah Baker’s promotion like this: "Sarah has been with the company ten years and has experience in both production and operations. Her dedication to MacFarlane Pheasants, problem-solving skills, and outstanding customer service are just a few reasons she was promoted to Head Sales Manager. Sarah is a valuable asset to the company, and I am proud to have her on our team." Read More »

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