Blog | Organization, Communication, and Success at M

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Organization, Communication, and Success at MacFarlane Pheasants

On October 7, 2021 in General by spope

MacFarlane Pheasent Logo

MacFarlane Pheasants has been successful in business for 92 years, and communication has always been key to our accomplishments. We currently have ten teams and a corresponding manager for each team. All of the farm teams report to the four farm directors. The directors report to our farm owner, Bill MacFarlane. We are organized for success and meet regularly. Our main goal is to meet the needs of our customers.


  1. Bill MacFarlane


  1. Troy Cisewski, Director of Production
  2. Chris Theisen, Director of Logistics
  3. Shayne Noller, Director of Food Products
  4. Sarah Pope, Director of Operations


  1. Missouri Breeder Farm - Shane Smith
  2. Farm Management - Dane Aucamp
  3. Brooder Crew - Ronnie Viljoen
  4. Maintenance -Traver Weber
  5. Milton Farm - Lodewyk Davis
  6. Hatchery - Keagan Strange
  7. Hen Barn/Tumblebrook Farm - Trudy DeRemer
  8. Office Admin - Sarah Baker
  9. Process Crew - Len Noort
  10. Food Products - Shayne Noller
  11. Shipping Logistics Manager - Brian Davis


  1. Recurring and scheduled meetings take place every week. On days when in-person meetings don’t occur, emails, texts and phone calls are a part of our everyday communication.
  2. There is a weekly planning meeting on Tuesday for all Team Leads.
  3. The Directors meet with owner Bill MacFarlane on Wednesdays.
  4. Four Team Managers meet every Wednesday to plan big objectives for the week and look ahead to the following week. This helps to keep the Directors informed and gives them a chance to provide feedback and guidance.
  5. Each Crew Leader has a meeting with their team in the morning, and at the end of every day.
  6. Meetings keep everyone in the loop, help Managers adjust their plans as advised, and update their Crews so that everyone on the farm is on the same page.

We have four main seasons at MacFarlane Pheasants: Chick Season, Mature Season, Winter Whites, and Egg Picking Season. Successful management of each season is dependent on organization and communication. We strive to keep every employee updated on our daily, weekly, and seasonal goals so that our customers receive quality products year-round. Be sure to contact us if you have questions and visit our website often to learn more about our business.

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