MacFarlane Pheasants Donates Pheasants

Published On: October 18, 2018Categories: Community, Conservation, Hunting

MacFarlane Pheasants donated pheasants for an event in Alberta, Canada at the Spruce Creek Upland Club on September 15, 2018. It was sponsored by the Inaugural University of Calgary Firearms Association (UFCA) and Pheasants Forever Calgary (PFC). This event was called the “First-Time Mentored Pheasant Hunt.” What a beautiful day of learning for the 17 members of the UCFA who participated!

First-Time Mentored Pheasant Hunt

  • A seminar was provided on Upland Birds and Upland Bird Hunting in Alberta.
  • Each group got a seminar in the history of Pheasants Forever, Upland Game Hunting and how the love of the outdoors can spur on enthusiasm for conservation.
  • One-on-one professional coaching during a shooting session aimed at improving the techniques for success.
  • Three mentees, a mentor, and a dog handler worked the fields with pointing dogs in pursuit of Ring-Necked Pheasants from MacFarlane Pheasants.
  • A demonstration was provided at the end of the day to teach participants the techniques for cleaning a whole pheasant and each participant got to try skinning their bird.
  • Discussed how to cook Upland Birds and participants took home a whole pheasant.

We are pleased to play a part in helping new hunters appreciate the techniques needed to hunt pheasants successfully and safely and enjoy the delicious food they provide.

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