James Adamson

James Adamson was born in 1919 in Monaca, Pennsylvania. He had five siblings; Harry, Genevieve, Helen, Rosemary and Jean. Jim served in the Navy from 1944 to 1946. During his time in the Navy Don MacFarlane wrote the Navy asking for his brother-in-law’s Jim’s discharge (Don MacFarlane was married to Genevieve, Jim’s older sister).

When Jim was discharged he came to work at the farm. Jim became Production Manager for the farm and ran the day to day operations. Jim oversaw everything on the farm including breeding, egg collection, hatchery supervision, brooding and deliveries.

For Jim, MacFarlane Pheasants was really a family affair, his wife Dot and their four daughters Donna, Linda Vicki and Pat who all worked at the farm in their youth. Their job after supper was to walk the pens to check on the birds and provide care if needed. One of Jim’s daughters, Linda, met her husband Charlie while working here. James was also a good boss providing donuts for morning breaks and even providing a couple laughs.

Once James and some of the workers were standing around talking after work, as James was leaning against his pickup with keys in hand, he asked, “Where is my pick-up at?” For more than 35 years James, worked to make MacFarlane Pheasants successful. He is one of the reasons we are a leader in our industry. Jim and Dot retired to Colorado in 1981. Dot passed away July 15, 2008 and Jim passed away March 6, 2009.

MacFarlane Pheasants would like to thank James, Dot and their family for all the time they spent here on the farm.

Photo James and Dorothy
Photo of James Adamson
Photo of the day after the fire

Fire Picture

This picture was taken the day after the fire.