White Pheasants Are Raised Year-Round at MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc.

Published On: October 18, 2017Categories: Dressed Pheasants, White Birds

We will raise 220,000 white pheasants on our farm this year which is a substantial increase in these birds, from just a few years ago. The white pheasant is occasionally born as a mutation in the Ringneck breed. What we found out many years ago is that when white pheasants are selectively bred, they produce more white pheasants. These birds are bigger than the typical Ringneck and very tasty. We use white pheasants for 100% of the meat we sell because of their taste and size. Their average size is 2.5-3 pounds when dressed!

The white pheasants we raise are provided very special treatment.

  • They are kept in their own facility and breeders are selected from the best of the best producers.
  • The selection process has improved continuously over the years so that our white birds have a very high breast yield.
  • They are raised and bred indoors and we are hatching them year-round.

Feel free to contact us at 608-314-3448 if you have questions. We are always happy to talk about our pheasants and answer your questions.

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