Honey Baked Pheasant Breasts Are Mouthwatering!

Published On: April 2, 2019Categories: Dressed Pheasants

Honey-baked pheasant breasts are not just mouthwatering. They are so easy to prepare that you won’t believe how fast you can put a gourmet meal on the table. MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc. carries pheasant breasts, Rice River Rice, and many more tasty condiments, sides, and pheasant products in their store.

They carry three different types of Rice River RiceRice is always a delicious side for pheasant and the Rice River brand is particularly delicious. Lastly, a meal is not complete without a vegetable. Baby carrots glazed with the same honey glaze you use with your pheasant breasts will delight your taste buds and complete your meal!

Honey Baked Pheasant

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Serves: 5-6


MacFarlane Boneless Pheasant Breasts, approximately 4-6 oz. each,
seasoned flour (with salt, pepper, and paprika)
onion powder
garlic powder
1 c. butter
2 c. honey
3 T. fresh parsley, chopped


  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
  2. Flatten each breast piece so they are approximately the same thickness.
  3. Dredge in flour and sprinkle onion powder over each piece.
  4. Brown pheasant breasts in melted butter and move to glass 9×13 inch pan.
  5. Melt remaining butter in the skillet and add honey.
  6. Once it’s warmed through, pour over the pheasant breasts and sprinkle the parsley on top.
  7. Cover the pan tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 20-25 minutes at 300 degrees F or until juices run clear.

Please download our free cookbook for many more delicious recipes.

Garlic powder also enhances the flavor of pheasant; if you choose to use this too, add it at the same time you add the onion powder.

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