Pure Pheasant-The All-Natural Alternative!

Published On: December 18, 2023Categories: Farm Management, Pure Pheasant

Demand in our Pure Pheasant Pet Food Department has increased by 15% this year. We knew customer interest would continue to grow as they learned the benefits of our natural pet food for their furry friends! Our pet food products are 100% natural and don’t contain any fillers or colors. They are minimally processed and support bone growth and healing. Pheasant meat is low in fat and high in several minerals, including phosphorus and manganese. Our customers continually give us favorable reviews about our pet food products, inspiring us to share our story.

We opened Pure Pheasant in 2020. We love our pets at MacFarlane Pheasants and knew that if we could share the benefits of all-natural pheasant raised on our Wisconsin farm, we could support pet health in a big way. We have received hundreds of reviews from satisfied customers, since then. Selling from our online store was our first step in marketing Pure Pheasant, but many retailers also carry our pet food products. In addition to increasing sales each year, we have established a blog on the Pure Pheasant site. It contains tips, tricks, and advice for raising healthy dogs using a natural diet and is well worth your time.

The last day to order if you want to receive your orders by Christmas is December 20, 2023, via UPS, 2nd day. Give us a call here at MacFarlane Pheasants and we would be happy to talk to you about our products. We wish you a happy and healthy holiday season and encourage you to give Pure Pheasant a try!

Photo of RingneckOur Milton Farm in 2024!
Pheasant ChicksWe Protect Our Pheasant Chicks with Grow Gel Before Shipping

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