MacFarlane Pheasants’ Milton Farm is Thriving!

Published On: January 24, 2022Categories: Barns, Brooders, Farm Management, Flight Pens


What does Milton Farm Manager, Lodewyk Davis, have to say about the success of the Milton Farm? He proudly attributes the success to excellent communication between himself and his four co-workers who are at the farm full time and his colleagues at the main farm.

The Milton Farm crew raised 75,000 chicks to maturity this year. There is plenty to do with 40 acres of pens at two different locations and four brooder barns. Pheasants are kept in barns until they are 6-8 weeks old and then transferred to outside pens. The crew is responsible for all cleaning and upkeep of barns and flight pens. They also care for the pheasants’ feeding, watering, and health at each stage of their growth. All of this work assures that mature pheasant are ready for fall and winter deliveries to our customers.

Barns are cleaned as soon as they are emptied. Pens are cleaned as soon as all deliveries from each pen are completed. As each flight pen is emptied, the crew begins cleaning feeders and other equipment, in preparation for the spring chicks.

If you ask Lodewyk how this crew of four gets everything done, he will tell you that the team’s success is due to hard work and good communication with the main farm in Janesville. They communicate about bird quality, sharing and maintaining equipment, catching and shipping, improving production, and planning for the future.

Excellent communication is vital to our business. It creates an atmosphere of teamwork and efficiency that has contributed to our success for 93 years! Our Milton Farm is a valuable asset, and we’re thankful for a great crew.

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