MacFarlane Pheasants Inc. Plans For The Future

Published On: April 18, 2023Categories: Farm Management

MacFarlane Pheasants has some exciting news about our business. We sold the 175 acres that currently contain about 20% of our flight pens. We also have barns, offices, and a maintenance shop on this site that will eventually be at a new location. We bought a new piece of land and are currently in the process of building new flight pens on that property.

We are building 30 acres of pens on the new site. Brand-new pens are exciting for all our employees, and though we will have maintenance, new pens will significantly reduce repair work. The specifics of the sale give us until April 30, 2023, to use any parts of the existing flight pens from our current location and until December 31, 2023 to complete our move to the new site. By then, we will move and set up any buildings that we plan to take, and organize our new office space.

We have outgrown our current Food Products Division building, primarily due to the addition of the Pet Food Division, and sorely need more storage and production space. We have been in contact with James Otterstein, Rock County’s Economic Development Manager, to aid us in finding a new space. Mr. Otterstein has been with Rock County’s Economic Development Agency for 25 years and is well-versed in navigating the steps to finding the perfect business property.

Lastly, we want to assure our customers that it is business as usual at MacFarlane Pheasants. Production of our chicks and game birds will remain the same at our new property.

Photo of Chef Alonso ContriscianiChef Alfonso Contrisciani and his Assistant Otto Borsich Prepared MacFarlane Pheasant at the 2023 NAGA convention
People at NAGA ConventionThe NAGA Convention Is Always Impressive!

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