Importance Of A Rat Control Program

Published On: February 20, 2014Categories: Farm Management

Let’s be honest, the only rat we want to ever want to see on a farm is named Templeton and is friends with a pig named Wilbur. Beyond that, the rat does not have a very welcomed presence, let alone on a pheasant farm. For being relatively small, they are known for causing quite a bit of damage. How is this possible, you ask?

For starters, rats typically produce up to 800 young within nine months. Without a rat control program in place, things can get out of hand, and fast. Rats typically come out at night to scourge for food, so if you do happen to see one during the day, odds are you have a rat problem. It is safe to assume there are 1-500 rats for every one you see during the daylight hours. Yikes!

Rats cause more damage to a pheasant farm than people can even begin to imagine. They are known for ravishing everything in sight, pheasant feed being no different. Not only will they eat it, they cause a great deal of food spoilage with their feces and urine as well. At this point, you can probably begin seeing large amounts of money going down the drain as you have to get rid of countless amounts of feed. We haven’t even discussed the damage rats can cause to your structures. They can chew through almost anything, so it is highly recommended that you reinforce your entire structure with strong materials such as steel or various metals.

Rats can also create havoc for your pheasants. They disturb the birds’ habitat and create unnecessary anxiety. They also carry numerous diseases, which can spread to the pheasants and not only weaken their immune systems, but cause death as well.

There are a couple of rat control options available. You can bait the rats with poison spread out throughout their farm, or you can use the trapping method, depending on your preference. Either way, one of these is essential for the success of your pheasant farm.

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