Blog | Hungarian Partridges (Huns) Are A Challenging

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Hungarian Partridges (Huns) Are A Challenging Breed to Raise!

On March 9, 2021 in General by spope

Hungarian Partridge (Hun) chicks are temperamental and challenging to raise, but we love them and so do our customers. We’ve been raising Huns since the 1990s, so we are experts at the proper way to care for them.  We buy our eggs from France and hatch them in our hatchery. When they hatch, they are only the size of a quarter, so you can imagine their need for special care while they are chicks. Our Hungarian Partridges are typically hatching from the end of March to August each year

Hun Tables-Where Chicks Are Protected

There are 28 Hun tables in total. The tables are designed to concentrate the heat for the tiny chicks and to feed them. From day one to day seven, the chicks are so tiny and they would struggle to find food and water in a large area. The Hun tables provide concentrated heat for the chicks. After day 7, the Huns are moved to an A room for three weeks.  In the first week, the two A rooms are divided in six sections and the divisions are slowly pulled as the birds grow and become stronger. At the end of week 4, they get moved to the B room where they stay another 4 weeks before moving to the outdoor pens. 

Nipple Lines

The nipple lines are used for watering the birds. In the past, we used mason jars to water the birds by hand and as the birds got older, we'd use gallon jars. This was very labor intensive and there was risk for human error. The nipple lines increase the drinking area for each chick by about 50% (compared to the jar waterers). At one day old, the chicks find the nipples and it is much easier to drink and it helps them stay healthy and happy because they have a constant supply of fresh water.


Feed is ground very fine, almost like powder and kept that way for about 18 days, then the Huns are able to eat a finely crumbled feed.

Outside Pens/Maturity

Huns are usually ready to go into outside pens at 6-8 weeks and are full grown at 20 weeks. The mature birds develop a dark reddish patch on the belly, a brown back, and chest, and have chestnut coloring on their flanks. They weigh about one pound and are 12 inches long at maturity.

If you would be interested in having some Hungarian Partridges on your property this fall, please go to our website for ordering information , or call our office at 608-757-7881, or toll free at 800-345-8348 for more information about our Huns.

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