What is the Largest Pheasant Breed Offered at MacFarlane Pheasants?

Published On: November 11, 2016Categories: Extra Large Ringneck Pheasants, Mature Birds

The Extra-Large Ringneck Pheasant is the largest pheasant breed we offer on our farm. This breed is primarily Mongolian blood and is a real challenge for bird dogs to get into flight! These big birds tend to be ground runners. When they do get off the ground they are slower flyers. The cocks weigh in between 3.5-4 pounds and hens weigh between 2.5-3 pounds, at maturity. They are about 1 pound larger than the standard Ringneck, which is our biggest seller. The Extra-Large Ringneck appeals to hunt clubs and growers for two main reasons.

  • Great for youth hunters because they are easier to hit
  • Super for growers and clubs who are looking for a bird for meat production

We encourage our buyers to get their orders in early if the Extra-Large Ringneck is their bird of choice!

Check out our recent blog posts to review descriptions of our most popular birds during the current season and give us a call at 608-757-7881, when you are ready to order.

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