Jano Smith Works At MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc.

Published On: November 21, 2017Categories: Our Team

Jano Smith shared his experiences in Astummerica, working at MacFarlane Pheasants Inc. He joined the farm crew in March of 2017, traveling all the way from Schweizer-Reneke in the North West Province of South Africa. This province of around 40,000 people is sometimes called the City of Sunflowers.

Jano found the process of obtaining his job in America relatively easy. There is an agency in South Africa that fulfills requests for employees from America. MacFarlane Pheasants was on the list. After answering a set of questions at the agency, a work visa was issued and Jano was on his way.

Leaving his work as a horse breeder and farmer in Schweizer-Reneke, Jano was excited to earn an income while having a new experience in America. He has had many new experiences at MacFarlane Pheasants and is currently working on the Pen crew. We have over 100 acres of outdoor pens housing our pheasants and partridges, so his days are very busy.

Obviously, the new skills learned from working on a pheasant farm have required a learning curve, but daily life in a new country is also a learning experience. Jano said the weather, lifestyle and more expensive food have been the biggest changes in his life since leaving his home town. He misses African music, traditional home-cooked African meals, and his friends. But since being at MacFarlane Pheasants he has enjoyed his work, new friends, barbecue chicken, country music, and going to the gym.

MacFarlane Pheasants thanks Jano for his contributions during his stay here and hope he takes great memories back to his home in South Africa when he returns in January 2018.

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