Blog | How to Prepare for a Delivery of Mature Birds

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How to Prepare for a Delivery of Mature Birds from MacFarlane Pheasants

On August 14, 2020 in Archive by spope

If you have ordered mature birds for the 2020 season, it is time to prepare for your delivery. We plan carefully to make your deliveries go as smoothly as possible. Now would be a good time to download our free manual called Setup and Care for a Delivery of Adult Birds. This manual details how to prepare for delivery, and care for your pheasants, once they arrive. You will learn everything you need to know about water and feed needs and the advantages of indoor and outdoor facilities. You can also call Sarah Baker, who is MacFarlane Pheasants’ Mature Bird Sales Account Manager with any questions about your delivery. You can reach her at 1-800-345-8348.

Essential Tips About Deliveries:

•   Have pens ready before your expected delivery 

•   Make sure feeders and waterers are full 

•   Plow any snow found around pens/barns for easy access before bird delivery arrives 

•   Have a clear path for unloading

•   Place a path of gravel for driveway and up to pens

•   Have plenty of space to pull up to pens to make unloading more accessible (55 feet is the suggested space to provide ample room for our larger trucks)


You can keep your mature wild birds in either indoor or outdoor facilities. The advantage of indoor facilities is that they require less square footage, waterers won’t freeze, and birds will be dry for the next day’s release. Outdoor facilities have advantages, also. Birds can eat snow if weather permits, stay acclimated to weather conditions, and be aware of surroundings when released. You can read many more critical details about keeping your birds safe and healthy before releasing them by reading our free online manual. We encourage you to download the manual soon.

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