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Great Customer Service Is the Key to Success

On November 17, 2015 in General by spope

Our customers are the reason we are in business at MacFarlane Pheasants! Our customers depend on us to be experts about our birds, to raise them in the most ideal environment, to ship them with expertise, and to answer questions with speed and accuracy. Our staff focuses on meeting the needs of our customers because we know it is the key to them returning year after year.

Philosophy of Customer Service

  • Take pride in being exceptional.
  • Return customer calls within an hour’s time.
  • All employees are responsible for customer service.

Types of Customers and Their Concerns

  • Food product customers want to know how our products are shipped to prevent spoiling. They want to know what each product looks like, what it costs, and how to serve it to preserve the flavors.
  • Chick and egg customers want to get their chicks as quickly as possible, so they are concerned about shipping. They need to get them under brooders and provide food and water immediately.
  • Chick and egg customers also want to know how to best care for their chicks and how to solve rearing issues.
  • Mature bird customers are concerned with the appearance and health of the birds. They want the males to have beautiful long tails, and they want specific delivery dates because often the birds are needed for specific events.

 MacFarlane Pheasants has top-notch office staff who are typically the first people to have contact with our customers. The office staff takes orders for food products, chicks, and mature birds. They answer concerns and questions, and they make sure our customers know we are happy to have their business! The buck doesn’t stop there, though! We know that every employee is responsible for customer service because, ultimately, the work in every department helps us provide superior products and service and meet customer needs.

Call us at 608-757-7881 or toll-free at 800-345-8348 with your questions and concerns. We are here for you!










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