Blog | Double-Checking Brooder Barns After Maintenan

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Double-Checking Brooder Barns After Maintenance is Completed

On July 12, 2018 in Archive by MacFarlane Staff

A brooder crew’s work is never done! Last week, we described the maintenance that must be completed before the beginning of chick season. This week you will learn about all of the steps we take after maintenance is complete, but before our chicks are placed in the barns. 

Everything must be working perfectly because we will have somewhere between one and two million pheasant chicks in the brooder barns during chick season. We have already sold 1.1 million chicks in the 2018 season and will sell many more before the season ends. It is easy to understand why we make our list and check it twice! Chicks are a big part of our business. 

1.     All water lines are disinfected.

2.     All light bulbs are checked.

3.     All jars are cleaned.

4.     All fans and timers are checked

5.     All nipple lines are hung properly, all cups are perfect (no leaks).

6.     The water lines are perfect (no leaks).

7.     The LB White (heat source) is blown out and tested.

8.     Light traps are cleaned and in proper order.

9.     Shutters and screens in perfect condition.

10.  Feed system cleaned, level and in good working order.

11.  Boot rooms cleaned and disinfected.

12.   Proportioner working properly.

13.  Feed bins are empty and clean (look inside).

14.  Pressure wash all fans outside and inside.

15.  Check Propane levels.

16.  Clean outside slab.

17.  Take care of pest control.

18.  Feed systems working properly.

19.  Breakers labeled and sensors clearly marked with bright flagging. 

MacFarlane Pheasants, Inc. staff can answer all your chick questions. April Goble, Chick Sales Coordinator, can help you with our ordering processes and direct you to resources for raising healthy chicks. Give her a call at (608-314-3453).

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