Blog | Our New Chicks Are Here – It’s Time To Raise

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Our New Chicks Are Here – It’s Time To Raise Pheasants

On March 1, 2011 in General by spope

We had a new phone system on the farm installed about 10 days ago, and when the installation was completed we discovered our farm alarm systems did not function. Just yesterday Chris and Troy got the alarm issues resolved, and our brooder staff now again will be notified by the alarm system if any major factors (heat, water, etc.) get out of their predetermined parameters.

This morning 13,621 baby pheasant chicks were placed into the brooder barns. This is a very exciting time for all of us, as it is the beginning of our new year. A lot of work has been accomplished in the past few weeks in preparation for our new arrivals.

Our feed systems in our “A” rooms in the brooder barns are Cablevey systems and yesterday a Cablevey repairman drove up from Iowa and spent the day with Ryan and Troy fine tuning the feed systems.

We just purchased a new feed testing device called a “Charm” machine. Our machine tests for myco-toxin levels down to ppb (parts per billion). A reading of even 1 or 2 ppb would indicate a problem with the feed that could result in significant mortality problems with our young pheasants. Brad was busy using the Charm machine to test the feed for myco-toxins to assure that the feed we give our new arrivals is safe.

In summary, a lot of time and effort goes into making sure everything is just right for our new additions.

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